While Jewish law commands us to treat non-human animals with respect and kindness, there is no recognition of animals as beloved companions with souls. Thus, there are no grief rituals associated with the loss of a non-human family member.

However, as with people of other faiths and traditions, more and more modern Jews are using the same or similar rituals to recognize the deaths of their dogs as those they use for humans. Below are some rituals and resources in the Jewish tradition that might be comforting to Jewish mourners who have lost an assistance dog or pet.

No One “Right Way”

Please note that there is no requirement or commandment (mitzvah) to follow any of these rituals for our deceased animal partners. As with all aspects of grieving, what feels right is extremely individual and often changes as the tides of grief roll in and out. The choice of how we mourn should always rest with the bereaved, regardless of cultural or religious tradition.

There are already too many unhelpful “shoulds” in our culture (and therefore, in our minds) about how, who, or when we should grieve. Such ideas only cause more pain. Therefore, someone who is grieving ideally will receive permission from themselves and their loved ones to follow their hearts and feelings in how they grieve. Nobody is helped by pressure to grieve “the right way.”

This applies to Jewish mourners, too, who might have deep feelings in favor of, or in opposition to, various death and grief rituals. For example, Jews who are cultural Jews, and do not practice any of the religious aspects of Judaism, might feel completely alienated by any form of traditional Jewish ritual and choose to avoid rituals in how they grieve. Still others might borrow from Christian, Buddhist, New Age, or other traditions that feel meaningful to them. Many religious Jews are not comfortable saying Kaddish for a non-human animal and believe doing so is inappropriate. Each person’s choice is an individual one and meets a certain need. As such, their choices are to be honored.

When You Lack Choices

It’s important to note that some mourners may very much want — or need — to follow rituals that are familiar and comforting to them, but external barriers prevent it.

Some possible reasons would be friends and family who refuse to participate in group ritual (such as a funeral, memorial, or prayer minyan) either because they are observant and believe saying the Mourner’s Kaddish over a dog is a sacrilege, or because they are not observant and are turned off by religious ritual.

Other times, friends and family might be very supportive, but not know the blessings, live too far away, or be too busy with work or family to get away. Similarly, you, yourself, might not be able to get time off from work to sit shiva or may be too sick to attend a burial; the ground may be frozen; you may not have private land as a resting place.

List of Jewish Mourning Rituals

These are only possibilities that might work for some mourners. This is not a complete list. As always, do only what feels right for you. In fact, Jewish mourning rituals — in line with the rest of Jewish laws and tradition — focus first on the needs of the living. While we respect and honor our dead, our top priority is to honor and respect ourselves, the living, and what we need in the wake of loss.

  • Burial, as opposed to cremation, of the deceased;
  • Wrapping the deceased in a white shroud and/or burial in a simple wood box;
  • Having someone stay with the body of the deceased from the time of death to the time of burial;
  • Holding burial/funeral services within 24 hours of death (unless the death occurred on a Friday, the day before Shabbat (Sabbath);
  • Observing shiva (in some fashion, even if you cannot do it for an entire week or during all parts of the day);
  • Reciting the Mourner’s Kaddish (see below);
  • Gathering ten or more people (a minyan) to recite the Mourner’s Kaddish at the funeral/memorial/burial, during shiva, and/or at the annual yartzheit.
  • You can learn more about Bereavement in Judaism at this Wikipedia page.

Modified Mourner’s Kaddish (Transliteration and Translation)

Most Jews who were raised reciting the Mourner’s Kaddish at a loved one’s death or yartzheit find great comfort and release in saying the prayer, especially in the company of others. It felt very important to me to be able to say the Kaddish when my pets, and then service dogs, died. However, the standard form of the prayer refers to “all of Israel” (all Jews), which felt neither inclusive of non-human animals nor of people I was mourning who were not Jewish. I recited it anyway, but I wanted a better way.

Several years ago, when my cat, Ferdinand, was dying of cancer, I asked a friend who knew Hebrew if there might be a suitable replacement. She came up with a phrase that translates roughly to “all of Creation” or “all G-d’s creation,” which I now use in all situations. The transliteration (pronunciation) of the blessing is below, followed by its translation into English. I regret that I cannot provide it in Hebrew, but neither my keyboard nor my brain are up to the task!

Mourner’s Kaddish (Modified)

Yitga-dal v’yit-ka-dash sh’may raba,
v’yam leech mal-chu-tay,
b’alma deevra chi-roo-tay,
b’chai-yay-chon uv-yo-maychon, uv-cha-yay d’chol bayt yishvay tehval,
ba-a-ga-lah u-viz-man kareev, v’imru oh-meyn.

Y’hay sh’may ra-ba m’va-rach l’olam ool-ol-may ol-may-yah.

Yit-bar-rach v’yish-ta-bach, v’yit-pah-ar v’yit-ro-mam,
v’yit-na-say v’yit-ha-dar, v’yit-a-leh, v’yit’halal
sh’may d’kud sho b’richu;
l’ay-la min kol bir-chatah v’shee-rata,
tush-b’cha-ta v’ne-cheh-mah-tah, da-a-mee-ron b’alma,
v’imru, oh-meyn.

V’hay sh’lo-mo ra-ba min sh’may-yah,
v’chay-im olaynu v’yal kol yishvay tehval
v’imru, oh-mayn.

O-seh shalom bimromahv.
Hu ya-ah-seh shalom.

Aleynu v’yal kol yishvay tehval,
v’imru, oh-mayn.

Mourner’s Kaddish (Amended) — An English Translation

May it be magnified
and may it be sanctified
Your great name

in the world you created according to your will.
May the world establish and fulfill

in your life and in your days
and in the life of all creation

and near in time
and say, Amen.

May your great name be praised
forever, and ever and ever.

May it be praised
and may it be blessed
and may it be glorified
and may it be upraised
and may it be elevated,

and may it be honored
and may it be exalted
and may it be extolled,

the name of the Holy One, Blessed Be,

beyond all words of praise, words of song,
words of blessing, and words of comfort
that are uttered in this world,
and say, Amen.

May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all G-d’s creation; and say, Amen.

May G-d who creates peace in the celestial heights, create peace for us and for all creation; and say, Amen.

* * *

I have found some other resources recently, which I’m very excited and happy about.

Rabbi Steven Blaine at Officiant.org has a lovely page about how mourning a pet fits in Jewish law and tradition. He takes a courageous stand by saying Kaddish for his own pets and also offering to counsel families contemplating pet euthanasia and to officiate at pet memorials.

I found out about Rabbi Blaine through a post at the blog, SRQ Jew. It’s a brief, thoughtful, and honest sampling of different Jewish perspectives on mourning a pet. Read the post here.

* * *

Return to a list of all grief resources on this site.

10 Responses to “Jewish Resources for Mourning a Dog (with Inclusive Mourner’s Kaddish)”

  1. 1 Neal May 16, 2012 at 11:58 am

    Most Jewish tradition holds it inappropriate to sit shiva or say mourner’s kaddish for a deceased pet. See http://huc.edu/kalsman/articles/Offel_WhenABelovedPetDies.pdf for suggested prayers.

  2. 2 Sharon Wachsler May 16, 2012 at 1:04 pm


    Thank you for that resource. I think some of the material you linked to for alternative prayers might be useful for some mourners. I really appreciate the additional sources that might be of use to people mourning species other than dogs, especially exotics like birds and reptiles. My Bat Mitzvah Torah portion was the Fifth Day, so I enjoyed how the Creation story in Genesis was applied to recognition of different species that a mourner might have lost.

    I’m aware that the responsa and all the traditional Jewish perspectives I have found on this topic say that Jews should not say Kaddish or practice other forms of Jewish ritual for the loss of a non-human family member. In fact, this was one of the primary reasons I created this document — because all my internet searches brought me to sites where rabbis or other Jewish scholars say it’s inappropriate to say Kaddish for their dead cat or dog. Some essentially scold mourners for wanting to use Jewish ritual and talk of how offensive this would be to people who have lost parents or siblings — to have someone say Kaddish along with them for their non-human family member. I found this terribly sad.

    I tried to make it very clear (it was in the first paragraph of this article, and I repeated it in the third paragraph) that there is no commandment to mourn a non-human family member. Although the fact that no mitzvah exists for something does not necessarily mean it is verboten, this tends to be how modern Judaism interpret things. (e.g., Because women are not commanded to do all the same things that men are, for a long time it was interpreted that therefore women should not do these things. Many Jews still hold this interpretation.)

    I disagree with this way of interpreting things, not just because it causes pain to people, but also because Judaism has always — until the 20th Century — been a religion that changes and adapts to the times. It has evolved continuously over the centuries as our circumstances have changed. Only in our recent history have we chosen rigidity and adherence to certain traditions that no longer serve us.

    In the case of mourning rituals, the fact that in ancient times animals were not members of the family, and now many of them are, should be taken into consideration. Other examples of changes in the times include the role of women, the perspective on intermarriage and conversion, and the existence of electricity. When enough pressure is brought to bear, some members of the Jewish community have rethought previous stances and changed their positions (usually the Reform wing) on some of these other issues. I hope this will happen eventually with rethinking the role animals have in modern life.

    I am not a religious scholar. I am, in fact, an atheist, but I am also Jewish. It’s been very important to me to have access to the traditions and culture I find solace in when grieving. I know very well, from personal experience, from the science that is emerging on this subject, and from my interactions with numerous people who have lost assistance dogs or pets, that the loss of our animals is often a much more severe loss than the loss of some people in our lives. This is a truth that many people find uncomfortable, and often people judge us for these feelings, whether we admit to them or not. All the responsa in the world will not change this fact and people’s feelings, though it may certainly contribute to feelings of shame and difficulty in receiving compassionate understanding. My purpose in providing these resources has been to provide another perspective on Jewish mourning of a non-human family member that will offer comfort and greater choices to those who are grieving.

    I became even more certain that this page was filling a need when I saw how often people arrived at my site to visit this page. At least once a day, someone uses a search term like “mourning a Jewish dog” or “Can I say Kaddish for my pet?” to find this page. Knowing that virtually everything else they find will tell them that it is wrong to say Kaddish or practice other Jewish mourning rituals, I am glad to know I am providing an alternative perspective.

  3. 3 Stuart October 18, 2013 at 10:50 am

    Thank you.I just lost my sweet husky Gypsy after 12 loving years.This helped.

  4. 4 Myrna Belanic November 13, 2014 at 11:48 am

    Thank you. We just lost our beloved, labrador retriever, George. He lived over 17 amazing years with us. As his parents, I am so glad to have this perspective. Our loss tremendous. He will be loved forever.

  5. 5 Sharon Wachsler November 13, 2014 at 8:00 pm

    I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for commenting. Wishing peace and comfort for your family.

  6. 6 tru ford January 6, 2015 at 5:24 am

    We are preparing for the death of our beloved cat Charly, which will likely occur withn 48 hours. This helps tremendously. She brought great joy to us for 10 years, and now we must help end her suffering. I am so grateful to God for making and placing this beautiful creature in our care.

  7. 7 Sharon Wachsler January 6, 2015 at 8:36 am

    I am very sorry for your loss, tru. It sounds like Charly had a wonderful 10 years with you.

  8. 8 Kirsten Levin December 20, 2015 at 1:44 pm

    Thank you. My cat “Kitty Alex” died saturday, lived 19 yrs and 9 months, she was the cat I inherited from my mom Jassamine Levin who died from Pancreatic Cancer 8 years and 5 months ago. I promised to take good care of Kitty Alex, give her a good life, and I did. She was a very endearing emotionally available cat. She was a connection to my mom who was my best friend. Now I believe she and my mom can reconnect. I didn’t know what to do, I wanted to bury her, and I knew I wanted a funeral for my best cat friend. Thank you for this resource, it really helps me.

  9. 9 Jeanne LaFrantz December 31, 2015 at 3:51 pm

    I have just lost my beloved Bogey a Brussels Griffon that I had the great honor to share my life with for 12+ years. I appreciate the comforting words as he was a most “special” person even though he wasn’t human. My heart is breaking; I will miss him so much.

  10. 10 Elizabeth January 20, 2016 at 8:33 pm

    Thank you so much for these resources and most of all for your comforting, understanding words, Sharon. I have lost my beloved cat within the past two weeks and want to recite the Kaddish as part of my mourning of her. I do not understand how saying this beautiful and moving prayer for my little girl diminishes in any way the mourning I endure and respect I give when a beloved human in my life passes away. If we give our beloved pets comprehensive medical care like that we obtain for beloved family members, that would not diminish our esteem and regard for human life either.

    As a woman with a chronic medical condition that is likely to prevent me from having human children, I have showered my sweet little girl with all the endless love in my heart that I have always wished to also share with a human baby as well as furry family members. These maternal instincts appeared when I rescue her (and she rescued me) in 2007. I do not believe that the loving, compassionate G-d, who filled me with these maternal instincts, would condemn me for cherishing my little girl as my own baby and mourning her as such, especially when I likely can not have human children and my little girl lost her actual cat mother when the local SPCA euthanized her due to overcrowding.

    And if G-d did not actually address the issue but some fallible human beings have since then decided that if the issue was not addressed then people should not mourn companion animals with prayers used for humans, I do not find this interpretation of silence to be probative of G-d’s will. It is abundantly clear to me that when G-d finds it important enough to command his people not to do something, He addresses the issue head-on, as in the Commandments.

    That is the loving G-d whom I know and who comforts me in my intense grief. I am heartened to know that other kindred spirits like me are out there. Thank you again.

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